
Dienstag, 2. August 2016

transmortale VII 2017 - call for papers

Grabmal Cohen auf dem Ohlsdorfer
Friedhof in Hamburg, Foto Leisner 1994
Die 8. transmortale wird 2017 nicht wie gewohnt im Museum für Sepulkralkultur in Kassel stattfinden, sondern in die Veranstaltung

"Transmortality 2017. The Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration" 

der Universität Luxemburg integriert sein, die vom 3.-4. März 2017 in der Stadt Luxemburg stattfinden wird. Der Internationalität geschuldet ist der Call for Papers (auch als PDF) auf englisch gehalten. Ich erspare es mir ihn zu übersetzen und übernehme ihn von der Website des Kasseler Museums:

Call for papers"Transmortality 2017: The Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration
Death, dying and burial produce artefacts and occur in a spatial context. The interplay between such materiality, spatiality and the bereaved who commemorate the dead yields interpretations and creates meanings that can change over time. In this conference, we want to explore this interplay by going beyond the consideration of simple grave artefacts on the one hand and graveyards as a space on the other to examine the specific interrelations between materiality, spatiality, the living and the dead.
We invite papers from all disciplines, from academics and professionals alike, to reflect on the materiality and spatiality of death, burial and commemoration – for example, concerning cemeteries and other spaces of remembrance. We suggest the following non-exhaustive list of themes:

  • Agency of materiality and spatiality
  • Theoretical considerations regarding materiality and spatiality in sepulchral culture
  • Innovative research methods in this field
  • Ethics in the study of death, burial and commemoration
  • Ideology and/or politics
  • Regional and cultural contexts, including migration and transborder issues related to sepulchral culture 

We welcome and strongly encourage the submission of ongoing research projects, such as doctoral theses. There is no limit on disciplines, research fields, approaches, regions, periods, confessions, etc. This open invitation extends to professional groups and lay people concerned with taking care of those who are dying or bereaved, as well as of bodies that have already expired, and of memorialisation. However, all considered papers need to be explicit in their consideration of issues of materiality and spatiality in death, burial or commemoration.
There is no conference fee. Reimbursement for travel and/or accommodations costs might be possible upon application. For more information about the conference, please visit